No flowers here. But can you pick out the beauty that I spotted as we were driving along the road. One of the few times when Hubby appreciated me shouting “stop the car”.
This blog is named after my dog, Dino the wonder dog. Other than that, this blog doesn’t have a lot to do with him, except that some days, when I am just too busy or too tired or have a migraine, I let Dino write my blog for me. On days when he has not taken over the computer, I write about my life – the past, the present and the future - my travels far and near and my home. I would love it if you would follow along.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Michigan Mostly Wild Flowers
No flowers here. But can you pick out the beauty that I spotted as we were driving along the road. One of the few times when Hubby appreciated me shouting “stop the car”.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Wedding Day Countdown
I can do all things through Christ because he gives me
Philippians 4:13 International Children’s Bible
One of the first blog posts I
wrote had to do with sewing and my daughter’s faith in me. Click here to read
That baby girl of mine is
getting married in less than two weeks and she is once again placing her faith
in me. Here are just some of the things I have spread around my house in my
quest to answer her plea to remodel her wedding dress.
All I can do is turn around
and place my faith in Christ to get me through, not only the sewing of the
dress, but the entire wedding day and these two weeks leading up to it.
God, Heavenly Father, grant me Your peace to endure
these stressful days. Be with Val and her fiancé and bless their marriage. Amen.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Just Sharing a Miracle Baby
I don’t like reposting other
people’s blogs because it seems the lazy thing to do. But I’ve been following
this family’s story since March and thought it was time to share it.
Click here for the first link that
chronicles Baby Annalise entering this world and her first week. It is a long
post, but you can skim it if you need to.
Annalise has hydranencephalus
and hydrocephalus. From another of her mom’s blog posts: Hydrancephaly is where the brain’s cerebral hemispheres are absent to
varying degrees. So from what we understand right now, Annalise does have brain
tissue and her hemispheres. It’s just that the ventricles, where the fluid is
stored, were larger than they should be when formed. So the brain had to form
around the ventricles in a sense. Because of this, the fluid was building up so
much that it just pushed the tissue to the outer rims. All that to say, the
brain is somewhat there, it just isn’t fully formed. Her brainstem and
cerebellum are completely developed though which is why she is doing so well.
And from another post: Hydrocephalus
is the excess fluid in the brain. This is the cause and reason for her
abnormally large head.
The first pictures of
Annalise haunted me at first, but as I have followed her story and watched her
grow, I can see how precious and beautiful she is. I share her story to remind
you that each life matters and each baby brought into this world, each baby
conceived, is a gift from God. Also, if you have read about her, you will realize what a miracle she is; she wasn't expected to live more than a few hours. She is now five months old!
In the more recent posts of
Annalise here, you can see how adorable she has become. You can also follow her
progress on her parent’s Facebook page.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Psalm 37
I haven’t shared anything
from the Book of Psalms in a very long time. I kind of like this one and can’t think
of anything that needs adding. It is a long chapter though, so I didn’t reprint
it all. You might want to check it out or maybe I will copy it for next week.
Psalm chapter 37
Don’t be upset because of evil people.
Don’t be
jealous of those who do wrong.
2 Like the grass, they will soon dry up.
Like green
plants, they will soon die away.
3 Trust the Lord and do good.
Live in the
land and enjoy its safety.
4 Enjoy serving the Lord.
And he will
give you what you want.
5 Depend on the Lord.
Trust him,
and he will take care of you.
6 Then your goodness will shine like the sun.
fairness will shine like the noonday sun.
7 Wait and trust the Lord.
Don’t be
upset when others get rich
or when
someone else’s plans succeed.
8 Don’t get angry.
Don’t be
upset; it only leads to trouble.
9 Evil people will be sent away.
But people
who trust the Lord will inherit the land.
10 In a little while there will be no more wicked
You may look
for them, but they will be gone.
11 People who are not proud will inherit the land.
They will
enjoy complete peace.
12 The wicked make evil plans against good people.
They grind
their teeth at them in anger.
13 But the Lord laughs at the wicked.
He sees that
their day is coming.
14 The wicked draw their swords.
They bend
their bows.
They try to kill the poor and helpless.
They want to
kill those who are honest.
15 But their swords will stab their own hearts.
Their bows
will break.
16 It’s better to have little and be right
than to have
much and be wrong.
(from the International Children’s Bible)
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Nearly Missed a Birthday
I was going to write yet another story of my sister Pat, in honor of her birthday today. I kind of ran out of time, so plucked some pictures out of the archives.
Happy Birthday, Pat. Instead of turning 56 today, you will always be 39.
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1972 -in our basement, surrounded by a few of our favorite things. |
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1985- the night before my first wedding. |
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1985- with our mom at my first wedding |
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1981 - at a waterfalls in the UP |
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1993 - at OKunDeKun Falls in the UP |
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1997- in Las Vegas |
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1998, June - at Lake of the Clouds in the UP. Possibly the last picture I have of Pat, taken just a year before she died. |
Sunday, July 12, 2015
My Broken Heart
On Sundays I usually write an
inspirational blog. Over the years, something that has happened in the past
week has sparked an idea which I was able to support with Scripture, finding a
Bible verse which went along with my job or my running or something in the
news, for example. Not that I ran out of things to say, but a while back, I started
sharing random Psalms, because they are beautiful. A few months ago, I switched
to Proverbs, because it never fails to amaze me how they are still relevant
In all these inspirational posts, I
have avoided preaching and avoided controversy. I don’t want to offend anyone and I don’t want
to start anything. I just want to share my feelings and what’s in my heart, and
my hope is that someone will have a better day because of it.
The end of June, I ran smack-dab into a
wall, one which has left this big gouge in my heart and it feels as though
blood is still oozing out of it. I’ve had a lot going on and have a ridiculous
amount of stuff to deal with in the next three months, and I don’t seem to be
able to deal with any of it because of this wound. I know that I need to hand
it over to God and let it go, that as a believer, God will take care of things,
that He has it covered, but my soul just keeps screaming out in pain.
I’ve wanted to share this with you
for two weeks (it’s only been two weeks? It feels like months), but I didn’t
know where to begin and now I don’t know where to go. OK. I just need to say
On June 26, the United States
Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is legal in every state. That Sunday
morning, I shared the following image:

And got slammed for it. As much as
I wanted to unfriend some people or take down my Facebook account completely, I
tried to stay out of it as much as I could. But here is what I believe and you
will not sway me. This is not up for debate. Anyone reading this can believe
whatever they want. I do not hate anyone anywhere for their views, but if you
feel the need to share, I won’t respond. Because, as already stated, my beliefs
are not up for debate. (And yours aren’t either.)
I believe that a Christian marriage
is between one man and one woman. If any government wants to make marriage that
looks like anything else legal, that may be the right of the government and
then the right of anyone within that government to seek such a marriage. And
everyone can call it a marriage, but I do not believe that it is a marriage
which the Triune God that I believe in condones.
I believe that this God of mine is
the only One who has a right to judge anyone. If you are straight or gay or lie
or cheat or steal, there are things you do which I hate, but just because I do
not like some of your actions, does not mean I hate you. I want to love all
people, but I am a sinner too. I screw up a lot and ask God for a lot of
forgiveness. And God sees the sins I
commit as the same as the sin which homosexuals commit. But it is up to God to
judge me and everyone else.
I believe that everyone needs to
recognize their sins and ask for forgiveness. God gave us some rules, the Ten
Commandments, so that society would run smoothly. He knew it would be impossible
for us to follow them, so that’s why God the Father sent His Son to die for all
those sins. God will forgive everyone’s
sins and He wants to welcome everyone into His loving arms.
I believe that it breaks God’s
heart to see the world falling further and further away from Him. He knows what’s
coming, He knows how the world will end. But God the Father also knew how His
Son would die, and He knew that it had to happen that way. The legalization of
gay marriage in the United States is only one in a long list of events pushing
us closer to the end of the world as we know it.
I believe God will bring me
back for the New World, and I want as many friends and family to join me for
that glorious day. But I don’t believe God has called me to preach that message
to you. I do believe that He is calling me to at least share this post. Do with
it what you feel called to do.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Tour de Timm's Hill
On Tuesday morning, I posted
a blog about getting back on track, running the race, pushing through the pain.
Or maybe it wasn’t that dramatic. It was ironic however that later that day, I
would do those things, but again, much less dramatically.
Years ago my cousin’s wife
Mary was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. It is one of those sucky diseases
that rob people of so much of their lives. And I won’t go into detail, but Don’s
family had already had enough of another sucky disease, Huntington’s, and it
sure didn’t seem fair that something had to hit his wife next.
A while back, while waiting
for his car in the shop, Don saw a spot on TV for the Tour de Fox. He sent an
email and before he knew it, he had signed up Team Mary to participate in a
walk up Timm’s Hill, just down the road from where we all live.
(This wasn’t the spot Don saw
that day, but it’s all I could find on YouTube.)
So a group of us met at noon
on Tuesday out at the highest peak in Wisconsin. And showed our support by
hiking the 300 hundred feet to the summit.
Some even went up the tower.
I hung out and did what I
tend to do too much of – took pictures. This is Don talking to Sam Fox, the guy
who started this whole thing. And what a nice guy he is.
Everyone else taking pictures
after we got back down the hill.
And of course the day wasn’t
complete without some driving around and taking more pictures. That’s the tower
on Timm’s Hill as seen from Hill of Beans restaurant. I thought I had blogged about it before, but couldn't find it. Hmm? I may have to do that next.
To learn more about Mary or
donate to her team, click on this link. It's not too late.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Getting back on the track
Both of my grandfathers had
passed away well before I was born. I was only a few years old when my mother’s
mother died so I don’t remember her at all. The memories of my father’s mother
are sketchy at best – mostly things I put in my head from the few pictures I
have of her. I didn’t know the feeling of loss or sorrow until a few years
after she died, 40 years ago today.
I know I’ve shared this story before, maybe not in great detail, but I’ve still written it. This summer,
though, having just missed running in my second 5K due to bursitis and
tendinitis, this story seems more pertinent. I never thought I would miss
running, but for the last five weeks, I have felt like a lame racehorse on a
short leash, my ability to run curbed completely.
When the greatest filly to
ever run broke her leg in the Match Race against Foolish Pleasure on July 7,
1975, she didn’t know how to stop. Her jockey tried pulling her up, but Ruffian
kept running until her leg was shattered and bones were sticking out. She was
rushed into surgery but when she came out of the anesthesia, she was still
running. Her thrashing undid all the work the vets had done to repair her leg
and she had to euthanized.
I’d like to think I had that
kind of spirit, maybe not the kind that does me in, but at least the kind that
keeps me going against the odds. Or at least keeps me going when I am in pain
or have writer’s blog or have too much going on and don’t have a spare minute
in the day or have many minutes in the day and waste every one of them.
You may have noticed that I
haven’t blogged in a while and those are just some of the reasons why. I haven’t
had a surge of inspiration or an “ah-ah” moment that is going to motivate me,
but hopefully I can at least get back on the track.
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