Dear God,
If I die tomorrow
Or a thousand tomorrows from
Will it matter?
Will I be changed
Or have changed the world?
Will another moment from
eternity of existence
Cause the moon to fall,
The oceans to weep,
The trees to walk?
But if an extra heartbeat
brings one smile to a teary eye,
If all my heartbeats can make
another soul sing,
Another life less dull,
Then my entire being has
And eternity becomes an
instant of joy.
(by Pat Loehmer)
If I looked back through all
the letters my sister Pat wrote me over the years, I would probably find the
date when she wrote this. But I am pretty sure that it was well before she was
diagnosed with cancer, well before she realized that her days were numbered,
that mortality would come knocking way too soon.
Last night I finished yet
another draft of my memoir of my mission trip to Kenya. Much of that trip was
spent wondering if I made a difference, if any of those people who I tried to
help actually had been helped in any way by my presence for that very short
period of time. It took me several years to realize why I had gone to Africa; I
should have read this poem then and it would have come clear.