time of the month has rolled around again where I should write a book review. I
don’t think I will ever get the hang of this. I sit here staring at the book I
finished reading last week, and even though I liked it, I can’t think of a
thing to say. So I turn my attention to the book I finished reading just before
that one and still my mind is a blank. Some things I guess a person simply does
not have a gift for doing. Give me two yards of fabric and I can cut it into
pieces and sew you a scrub top. Give me a book, I can read it, but that’s all I
can do with it. Seems a waste. I should be able to finish the job by writing a review
of it. I will try this again.

Nelson wrote about her life as a child, befriending hobos who would come to her
grandmother’s house in search of a meal. As an adult, it wasn’t as easy for her
to accept the homeless, but with time and the Lord’s guidance, she did,
offering a meal to anyone who asked.
Bannister’s childhood was filled with relatives gathering for meals, but those
happy times would soon end as Nazi Germany began pushing into her world. Some
days she would be the one looking for a meal from anyone who had anything to
books remind me of the good and the bad sides of people. We are capable of
causing great suffering, but we are equally able to share all that we have, our
food, our shelters, our compassion. Our stories. I believe the authors of both
of these books would want us to cultivate our good sides, would want us to
learn from the mistakes of others, would want us to help any brother or sister
in need.
In the words of Anne Frank, “In spite of everything, I still believe
that people are good at heart.”
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