Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Smallest Things

“Aren't five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one sparrow is forgotten by God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows!” (Luke 12:6-7, Good News Translation)

A few weeks ago, a friend spent the night at our house and left behind an article of clothing. It’s been sitting here these few weeks, and finally Monday night, I threw it in with a load clothes and washed it. I thought I would surprise her by mailing it to her. (Not to speak ill of this piece of clothing, but the postage would cost more than a replacement.)

Out of the blue, she messaged me Thursday, saying she could come to town Friday to go out for Fish Fry if I was available. I laughed when she said that then she could pick up her clothes.

Friday morning, I had to run to the next town to pick up some stuff. One of the things I was looking for was cake pans for church; they never seem to have enough. I stopped at the second-hand store and bought a nearly-new 9 x 13 pan for $1.20. Next, I stopped at Walmart and they had the same size for $1.50! Figures. So I bought one there as well.

I got home, washed them, pulled out my beat-up cake pans, and decided that the worst one had to go. (You know, the 40-day Lenten challenge of getting rid of something every day. Score.) If I knew I could pick up one at Walmart for a buck and a half, I would have done it forever ago.

A few hours later, my friend showed up to go out to eat. She has her house up for sale and hopes to move in the spring, so has been downsizing. She brought me a few things she thought I might use. You guessed it, one of them was a stoneware baking dish, the size for baking a cake (or bars, which is what I did last night).

I know, all of it is silliness, but I just don’t believe in coincidence. I know God has got bigger things to do, but He always takes time to remind me that the small things matter too.

Thank You, Lord, for all the big things and all the small things that you do in my life. Amen
Flowers from a co-worker this week. A small, but beautiful thing. 

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