Friday, June 26, 2020

The Truth Beyond My Most Recent Crisis

   On my two most recent blog posts, I overdramatically shared a tale of woe concerning my laptop. I felt I should explain what has happened to it.

Last Saturday afternoon, while working on it at my daughter’s kitchen counter, I spilled some grape juice next to it. (Honest, it was grape juice and nothing more!) I didn’t think any of the spillage landed on the laptop, and we washed up the counter and didn’t think much of it.

A while later, I noticed the battery on the device had quickly gone down to 6%. I plugged it in and again didn’t think much of it. When it looked like it wasn’t charging, I blamed it on the outlet in my daughter’s living room, turned it off, unplugged it and put it away.

When I got home a few hours later, I plugged it in again. It still didn’t seem to be charging, but I thought I would just ignore it and it would be fine come morning.

Sunday morning, I turned on my laptop, it said it was fully charged and I thought it had all been a fluke and all was well. Within twenty minutes, the battery once again registered at 6%.

What is going on? I asked.

Upon further inspection, the port for plugging in the charging cable was sticky. Apparently that spilled grape juice (I repeat – grape juice and not wine!) had indeed infiltrated my laptop.

Despair ensued!

I eventually settled down and accepted that whatever was going to happen to my laptop was God’s will. It appears to be working all right now, it just has no battery life. As long as it is plugged in, it’s functioning at an acceptable capacity, except that the internet is dial-up slow. I’ve been backing everything up on a new jump drive and will have my son try to fix the problem next weekend.

In the meantime, as I’ve also mentioned in the past few posts, I am trying to get my latest novel published. “The Truth Beyond the River” takes place in 1974 and revolves around a Vietnam vet fighting a new war, a young reporter looking for her big break, and an aging monk trying to keep the peace. Quite the eclectic group of characters, huh?

The setting is an abandoned monastery along a northern Wisconsin River, a place I’ve blogged about before. A friend of mine from high school painted an amazing picture of this place. A week ago, I shared some tentative book covers on my Facebook author’s page. Expect more soon! I appreciate all your feedback!

Also, expect to hear more about the book!
(As I just typed the title of this post, I recalled that I named the jump drive I am using "Crisis Drive".)

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