Peace I leave with you, My peace I
give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be
troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27, New
King James Version)
you may recall, I’ve been suffering from back pain since the first of April.
I’ve tried nearly everything, and most treatments seem to help for a few days,
and then pain starts acting up again. It seems like a new treatment (physical
therapy, CBD salve, TENS unit, etc.) helps to a certain degree, and then I
reach a plateau where I am stuck. Overall, however, I think I slowly, oh so
very slowly, have been getting better.
started thinking, and even feeling in my body, that the back is actually healed
as much as it can be, but my brain keeps me stuck with the pain. I'll feel a sketchy
feeling in my back, and right away, my brain is like, “Danger, Will Robinson, it’s
going to be painful.” I know, it sounds crazy, but that’s where I’m at.
I found some guided meditation videos on YouTube, which tackle what I’m going
through. And it seems to be helping. I even wrote what sounded like a
meditation on my August 13 blog post. Then I ran into that brick wall which confronted me with the question – is this a Christian thing to do?
read some thoughts on it on the internet. Yes, meditate is mentioned in the Bible, a lot, such as, "meditate on the word of the Lord." But there are also different types of mediatation. I could go into it, but I still come
back to the belief that it is all where your heart and soul are. My heart and
soul believe that God is always with me, that Jesus is my Savior, and that the
Holy Spirit guides me. And when I relax my mind and body, and the words below
run through my head, I think I’m going to be okay. No, I know I’m going
to be okay.
still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10a, New King James Version)