Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Minnesota in the Fall

Nearly every season allows us to spread joy in our outside places. From patriot flags in the summer to snowmen, Santas, and penguins during the winter. Granted the lights of Christmas win all decorating contests, but autumn, with its parade of pumpkins, satisfies all our senses. The smell of fallen leaves, the crunch of those same leaves underfoot. The taste of pumpkin spice on our lips. Cool nights and turning our faces to the fleeting warmth of the afternoon sun.

Many people say that fall is their favorite season. I would say mine too, except that it’s followed by a miserable winter. But anyway. Pictures. 

A few weeks ago, I visited a friend in Minnesota. Those small towns along the banks of the Mississippi River take their fall decorating to a new level.  Especially in quaint Wabasha. 

Perhaps we embellish our surroundings so much this time of year because we revel in the beauty mother nature supplies. Not that we could ever compete with her.

Get outside and enjoy this season, before we are blasted with frost and snow. Maybe make some new friends along the way.

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