Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Simple Beauty, Dells post #10

It’s Holy Week, so I debated whether or not to write today about that vacation I took to Wisconsin Dells back in October. I still have so many pictures to share. But it shouldn’t be about the pictures; it should be about the story.

About all that God has created and given to us. How thankful I am that I had that weeks’ vacation. How I had no clue at the time that I would really be retiring this spring.

How much I do appreciate the small things in nature.

And the great things.

And even the manmade things which show great beauty.

Or power.

 But so many people, instead, look to the monstrosities that man has created.

And call them entertainment.

Sure, these buildings and structures have their own sort of beauty.

But so does a simple bouquet of flowers.

Just so we praise God for all He has given us. And remember why Jesus died for our sins and rose again so we could have eternal life with all other believers. 

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