Sunday, May 19, 2024

God is Always Fair

God is fair. He will not forget the work you did and the love you showed for him by helping his people. And he will remember that you are still helping them. (Hebrews 6:10, International Children’s Bible)

I know we all complain about stupid things sometimes. We argue that things are unfair, that we worked as hard as someone else, and they got all the credit. Or it’s not fair when a person we see as a bad sinner gets the better things in life, while we try to always do what is right and feel we have nothing to show for it.

And then we get so disgusted with life that we say that God is not fair. And we almost agree with a nonbeliever who says that if God were real, then there would be no injustice.

No one said it would be easy and no one said that life would always seem fair. But in the end, no matter how we see things, God is always just and always fair. He loves us more than we can imagine, and He really does want the best for us.

And, in turn, we need only love Him back and then show others how much we love them too.  

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