Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Streets of Phnom Penh - Cambodia blog entry #3

Sunday, September 15 was our first full day in Cambodia. After a good night’s sleep (ten hours!!!), I woke up that morning feeling pretty good. My chronic back pain wasn’t bad at all, only my right wrist was killing me, but that’s kind of how my life has been the past eighteen months, so I wasn’t going to complain.

I won’t bore you with every detail of the day, except that D and I made one trip to the 7-11 on the corner for snacks and also stopped at Dairy Queen for blizzards! Choosing to ease into the foreign foods.

Actually nearly every meal we had was pretty good, always food we could eat and never went hungry. But I’m going to save the food photos for the end when I have them all together.

After lunch, K took us for a ride around town to show us the sites. Here are some of them.

I know that cities around the world have this kind of traffic, evern the large cities in the US. But this small town girl continued to be amazed by traffic every day. 

Indepence Monument built in 1958 to celebrate Cambodia's independence from France.

The monument in the background honors the late Buddhist scholar Samdech Chuon Nath. I couldn't figure out what the little statue in front left is of.

The front side of the staute of Samdech Choun Nath.

The riverwalk along the Tonle Sap River.

I think it's just the gate outside some random building. They had alot of ornate gates like this.

The Phnom Penh post office, where packages disappear into a black hole

The government building 

Not a government building. More like typical working class apartments

A typical street with light traffic. 
A little bit more chaotic traffic. It was hard to get a picture that really captured it. 

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