Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Scenery, Adventure and a Waterfalls – blog post #2 from the family vacation

I can’t believe that here it is nearly the end of October and I haven’t finished blogging about our family vacation the end of last month. Actually, I’ve barely begun blogging about it. 

Sunday, our second full day at the cabin, we started the day with breakfast of scrambled eggs and fried venison sausage, followed by a family photo shoot before Hubby headed home, as he had to work the next day. (The only retired one in the family and he had to work. Go figure.)

Shortly after his departure, we packed up our lunches and headed out for the day.  

First stop was Corrigan’s Outlook, a mere 5.28 miles from the cabin.

The views from the top were absolutely breath-taking.
Another opportunity for a family photo shoot. The dogs were not cooperating though.
To make it even better, we kept hearing coyotes howling in the valley below. Oh, so very cool. Unfortunately, none of our dogs seemed to pay them any mind. I tried videoing the howling, but all I could hear on the video was the wind blowing. I did capture these guys flying by though.

Next, we headed to Foster Falls. The trail head on the east side of the Potato River is adjacent to a small campsite, and when we pulled in, there were three campers camped there with two unfriendly looking dogs. We decided it looked too busy, that those dogs would not get on well with ours, and with some disappointment decided to drive the twelve miles to get to the other side.  

As we pulled out of the parking lot road and back onto the road heading away from the river, I looked behind us and saw a pickup with a small camper on it. I couldn’t figure out where it had come from as the road ended at the river just beyond them. I made the mistake of mentioning it to the kids.

They were like, I bet he crossed the river. So, my son and son-in-law jumped out of my son’s Toyota Four-Runner and went to talk to the driver of the camper.

Yup, the driver said he had traversed the river in his truck and if he crossed with no problem, surely, we would be able to as well.  

My son spun around his vehicle and headed to the end of the road, where it disappears into the Potato River to reemerge on the other side.

I do wish I would have videoed it instead of just shooting pictures. That first splash into the river, when the water flew up all the way over the windshield and our lives all flashed before our eyes as my daughter and I screamed and the boys hooted. Crazy. Absolutely crazy! You’d think we were all 22 years old and driving a beat-up Chevy truck, instead of my son’s two-year-old 4-wheel drive

The only loss was the front license plate, which no one realized until the next day, even though I clearly had taken a picture of it.

It was a short walk from there to Foster Falls.

Hubby and I had been to Foster Falls while camping in June, but that was from the other side. I couldn’t imagine him ever fording the river, no matter what he was driving. Even though it was late summer, the water flow was as much as it had been in the spring. (If you want pictures for comparison, click on this link.) 

It was a beautiful day and many more waterfalls were to come, but you’ll have to come back next week to read about that. 

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