Sunday, October 22, 2023

What - or Who - should we trust?

 Some trust in wagons and some in horses. But we will trust in the name of the Lord, our God. (Psalm 20:7, New Life Version)

Last spring, I bought a newer vehicle. It has a ton of safety features, all of which blow my mind. It tells me if I veer from my lane and when someone moves into my blind spot. It yells at me if another car approaches me when I'm backing up. How can a vehicle know all that is happening?

Of course, it also has a light that comes on when I have a low tire – a feature my last three cars have had. Unfortunately, the light didn't go off even after Hubby put air in the tire. Hmm? How trustworthy is that?

Or, actually, how much should I trust all these other features? If I pull over in front of someone because one of those lights didn't come on, who's liable? The manufacturer? They put enough trust in all these safety features that my car insurance is lower because they believe the chances of me having an accident are lower.

But what – or who – can we trust 100% of the time? Who warns us every time we stray into the other lane? Whose lights always come on when there is the need to be cautious?

God is the only One we can trust with everything, all of the time. As long as we put our faith in Him, He will not let us wander. He will keep us from harm.

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