Sunday, July 21, 2019

Such is Life

On June 5, I began sharing the story of my sister Pat’s battle with cancer. Those seventeen blog posts took me up until a little over a week ago, when – as luck would have it (or did I plan that well?) – Hubby and I left for a week’s vacation camping in Michigan’s UP. Our first full day up there, Monday, the 15th, would have been Pat’s 60th birthday. Once, she and I were also camping there on her birthday and I remember buying her an ice cream cone in celebration.

But enough about her. As I mentioned on my last post, when I am struggling with things, I ask myself “What would Pat do?” And I know she wouldn’t dwell on events which might bring her down.

Before I move on, however, I noticed that one of my last blog posts before beginning that series, I had told you that I had just broken a bone in my foot. I should give you an update on that. 

My feet on June15
Eleven days after I fell on my last basement step and ten days after my family practice doctor confirmed there was an avulsion fracture, and told me to keep wearing my boot and try to stay non-weight bearing, I saw the orthopedic surgeon. He re-x-rayed it and prognosed that I could start treating it like a bad sprain. Slowly start putting some weight on it, ditch the boot after a few more weeks, start some easy exercises as tolerated. It could take up to twelve weeks to be good as new, but there was nothing I could do at that point which would make things worse. Unless, of course, I fell down another step.

That appointment was six weeks ago already. I would say my right foot is as good as it’s going to get. It surely isn’t any more painful or less mobile than my left foot, which has been an issue for over six years now. I think I have gotten to the age where I just won’t bounce back like I used to.

I think that’s all to bring you up to speed. In addition to the camping trip we just returned from, I have to still tell you about an overnight to my son’s in the southern part of the state. And looking at my calendar until the end of the year, I will have no shortage of stories waiting to be told.

Tree over the power line just beyond my yard
But here’s the great irony. After camping in our pop-up camper in a Michigan State Park with electricity at our site and hot showers and flush toilets a half-mile away, I come home to no power. A bad storm blew through town Friday night and took out a lot of trees and electricity for most residents. Being as we have well water, in addition to no lights, we have no running water, only the several gallons I keep stored in the basement for such calamities. I’m praising God, though, that we bought that generator back in May; at least the frig and freezer are running.  

Such is my life. Keep following along!

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