Friday, February 26, 2021

Here I am again

 I was going to title this “Yet Another Flashback Friday and COVID Update,” but I decided that was simply too long.

In addition to continuing to go through old pictures, scanning the decent ones, and pitching the bad ones, I’ve been working on my family tree—Dad’s side. Hence the pictures of one of his projects from back in the early 1980s.

My dad was born in Germany in 1915. World War I was ravaging Europe, and three years later, as the fighting continued, the Spanish Flu of 1918 reared its ugly head. More people died from that pandemic than from the war. Somehow, life went on, and my dad’s family welcomed another son that year, bringing the family up to three sons and three daughters.

I can’t imagine what their lives had been like. Dad never talked too much about his life in Germany. Sure, he was only nine when they immigrated to America, but he had a few memories he shared. His dad throwing him into the river to teach him to swim and how severe the poverty was for everyone.

I sure wished I had paid more attention and asked for more stories.

Hopefully, thanks in part to the internet – and maybe even this blog – our children and their children will remember the times we lived through in 2020 and 2021.

Not too much new on the pandemic front in my small town. The number of positive cases seems to be going down as the number of those having received the vaccine continues to go up. Our COVID shot clinic last Saturday went relatively smoothly; all our patients were appreciative and well-behaved. Though my hero’s cape is pretty threadbare, I was able to wear it for the entire nine-hour day. 


Unknown said...

Chris, you know more about dad than I do...he was such a quiet man and I rarely heard him talk, and when he did it was with his brothers playing cards.

Unknown said...

I don't recall dad talking much at all, just when he played cards with his brothers. we will talk about that someday.