I’m sure this is going to be one of my more bizarre posts. I mean, look at that picture!
This blog is named after my dog, Dino the wonder dog. Other than that, this blog doesn’t have a lot to do with him, except that some days, when I am just too busy or too tired or have a migraine, I let Dino write my blog for me. On days when he has not taken over the computer, I write about my life – the past, the present and the future - my travels far and near and my home. I would love it if you would follow along.
Friday, December 30, 2022
Sheets to the wind, or to the trash
I’m sure this is going to be one of my more bizarre posts. I mean, look at that picture!
Sunday, December 25, 2022
The Everlasting Light
That night, some shepherds were in the fields nearby watching their sheep. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them. The glory of the Lord was shining around them, and they became very frightened. The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I am bringing you good news that will be a great joy to all the people. Today your Savior was born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord. This is how you will know him: You will find a baby wrapped in pieces of cloth and lying in a feeding box.”
Then a very large group
of angels from heaven joined the first angel, praising God and saying:
“Give glory to God in
heaven, and on earth let there be peace among the people who please God.” (Luke
2:8-14, New Century Version)
Merry Christmas one and all.
Friday, December 23, 2022
Light in the Darkness
“The sun shall no longer
be your light by day, Nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you; But
the Lord will be to you an everlasting light, And your God your glory. Your sun
shall no longer go down, Nor shall your moon withdraw itself; For the Lord will
be your everlasting light, And the days of your mourning shall be ended.” (Isaiah
60:19-20, New King James Version)
This picture is of the moon about to set early one
winter morning in March. Sometimes we watch the moon come up in the eastern
sky, but I don’t remember ever seeing the moon this bright as it was sinking in
the west. I wanted to write something about the first Christmas today, but
nothing came to mind, except this picture of the moon.
The Old Testament book of Isaiah is filled with prophecy,
some pretty obvious (such as Isaiah 7:14 – “Therefore the Lord himself will
give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will
call him Immanuel.”), but many more are quite obscure.
The verses above, for me, seem like the obvious kinds.
God is sending a Savior, One brighter than the sun or the moon, One who will
never dip beyond the horizon to leave us in darkness. A Savior who will be the
Light of the world, who will last forever.
And it all began when Jesus was born on that dark night in Bethlehem.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
A year ago this past Monday, my blog post here told about an amazing pre-Christmas gift we received. The linemen for public service showed up at one a.m. to fix the power line that had been down for three days, leaving us without electricity, which meant no lights, no heat and no water. When their trucks pulled into our yard, lights lighting up the entire yard, it must have been what the shepherds witnessed when the angels appeared, declaring Jesus’ birth.
This morning I was thinking about that Christmas
miracle, and it brought tears to my eyes.
We take so much for granted – that our houses will be warm
in the winter, that water will come out of the tap when we open the valve, that
the food will stay cold in the refrigerator. Even that when we flush the toilet our waste
will magically disappear!
But, man, those lights in our yard that night! The lights
in the field on the night Jesus was born. And as much as I like heat and water
and power in my house, I really like the thought that a tiny Baby came to this earth
so that I have received the greatest gift of all – eternal life.
We’re in the home stretch to Christmas now. Remember what it is all about.
I took this picture yesterday afternoon looking in the general direction of where that power line was down. God is good. |
Sunday, December 18, 2022
What is in your head? What was in Joseph's?
As he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. “Joseph, son of David,” the angel said, “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:20-21, New Living Translation)
It's so hard to believe that it’s only one week until
Christmas. There’s so much to do yet – cards to get in the mail, presents to
buy and to wrap, cookies to bake.
I’ll never understand why we get so consumed with preparations
this time of year. Every year, I tell myself that I’m not going to make myself
crazy doing all this stuff, and every year, I’m right there, running myself ragged.
We all need to step back to that first Christmas. Joseph,
who just found out the woman he was betrothed to was pregnant with a child
which wasn’t his. My head spins with all I have to do, but can you imagine what
went through Joseph’s head? Yet, the only upcoming task he had to accomplish was
getting Mary to Bethlehem so they could be counted in the census. When they
left on that trip, I’m sure he never realized the Baby’s birth was so near.
This time of year, I think that’s what we need to focus
on – the one and only thing that is truly important. Jesus Christ was born as
an innocent Baby so He could grow up to save us from our sins. Everything else
at this time of year is just frosting on the cookies or snow on the trees.
Heavenly Father, bless us this time of
year, when we need help remembering what we are really celebrating. And thank
You for sending Your Son to us as a tiny Baby. Amen
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
The Best Day
As I write this, a winter weather alert is in effect in my area. The roads are just beginning to ice up, and the weatherman predicts we will have a foot of new snow on the ground within 48 hours. What better time to post pictures from my best day ever on Diani Beach in Kenya this past October. Where, by the way, the forecast for today is mostly sunny and 85 degrees.
Goodness, I can’t believe it has been a full two months since we were there! Seems like a lifetime ago.
As we were wandering around, a young man pulled a five-armed octopus out of the water to show us. It is actually a brittle star, a relative of the starfish.
Pretty soon, two of his friends joined us, and we all walked and waded back down the beach.
The boys continued to pluck sea creatures out of the brine and tell us what each one was.
I wish I remembered the names of them all. Some are easy, such as the starfish.
The middle one is pregnant and upside down so we could see her belly.
No idea what these were called, but the boys said that if a man ate a handful of them it would be like nature’s Viagra. No thanks.
A crab.
Can’t remember.
A sea urchin.
What a fun afternoon! .
And beautiful too.
And what nice young men they were. They offered to take us on their boat the next day, but we already had plans. We did give them a nice tip, though.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Who Do You Recognize?
When Jesus was at the table with them, he took some bread, gave thanks, divided it, and gave it to them. And then, they were allowed to recognize Jesus. (Luke 24:30-31a, New Century Version)
Hubby had a Santa gig yesterday here in town. It gives
us a warm feeling when kids walk in the door, see him, their faces light up,
and they squeal, “Santa!”. He’s probably the most recognized character in our
I’d like to think that the face of Jesus is just as
recognizable. How many of us have seen that iconic picture of Jesus, where He
is looking to the right. His beard is neatly trimmed, His hair is
shoulder-length, and His eyes are looking ever so slightly upward. Type iconic
picture of Jesus in any search engine and it will come up.
Wouldn’t it be exciting if Jesus was walking down the
street of your town, and children ran up to Him, calling in delight, “Jesus!”
And then, when He asked what they wanted for Christmas, they would say something
like, “Just to always be with You!”
That’s what I want for Christmas – for everyone to
recognize Jesus, know Him personally, take His hand and tell Him what they
want. And even more so, for everyone to know Him without having to see Him in
person, to know Him in their hearts.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
monkeys, monkeys everywhere.
At our AirBnb at Diani Beach, when the monkeys started coming out to greet us, we thought they were so cute. Just adorable.
I took way too many pictures of them.
They got Denise first. We were all sitting on the veranda, talking and watching the monkeys. Denise was eating chips and videoing the monkeys, telling them that they were not going to get her chips. The little Cretans had it all planned. While one of the bigger ones was distracting her, two others attacked. The bowl and the chips flew all over. Somehow the bowl didn’t break, but the chips were gone, just like that. Like the turkey in the movie “A Christmas Story”.
The next morning, Val was going to make French toast for breakfast. I don’t know what Denise and I were doing, but we weren’t paying attention. One of those bastard monkeys snuck into the kitchen and took the entire load of bread off the kitchen counter, within a foot of Val, and disappeared with it. I ran outside to look for the bread, but found nothing but monkeys with their mouths full, looking quite satisfied with themselves.
The next day, Val and Denise had taken a walk up the beach, while I stayed behind to lay out in the sun. I closed the doors when laying around, but then I got up to rinse out some of the clothes we had bought that morning and opened the doors to hang them on the line on the side of the house.
When I came back in, the bowl of fruit we had on the dining room table was empty. I saw a tail disappearing out the door. All that was left was one lone orange rolling on the floor. They got at least five pieces of fruit, including a hefty pomegranate.
The resident primates ate well that week.
Sunday, December 4, 2022
A Free Gift
Thanks be to God for his gift that is too wonderful for words. (2 Corinthians 9:15, New Century Version)
I finally started some Christmas shopping on Friday. I
had coupons for two different stores and a gift card at another one. At the
checkout at the fourth store, they gave me a coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase.
I thought I did pretty good.
Here’s an even better deal. Turn your life over to
God, accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, and you get eternal life! No need for
coupons or gift cards or watching the fliers in the mail for in-store deals.
This is a real deal because it’s Free. Like a get-out-of-jail-free card. And it
kind of truly is.
We’re in prison because of our sins, but Jesus paid
for our release by His death on the cross.
Advent started this past week. A time to prepare for
Jesus’ birth, a time to learn and love. A time to buy gifts. And one of the
most important gifts you can give is to share salvation with someone you love
or someone you don’t even know. It’s a free gift. Start giving it away.
Father, thank You for all the gifts You have so graciously given to us, us
miserable sinners who don’t deserve anything from You. Mostly, thank You for
the greatest Gift, Your Son Jesus. Amen.
Apparently, in 1973, the greatest gift for a 12-year-old was a cassette tape recorder. Oh, how times have change. |