Sunday, July 14, 2024

bad god's tower – Dakota Vacation blog post #8

 Without wise leadership, a nation is in trouble; but with good counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14, Living Bible)

I usually try to write an inspirational post on Sundays, but today I only have the verse above. We read it in my Friday morning Bible Study, and we could only shake our heads. God sure knows what He’s talking about.

Anyway, I wanted to keep sharing with you about our vacation to the Dakotas. Not much I can say about Devil’s Tower.

Except that we had to wait in line in our car for 45 minutes to get into the parking lot.

And you wouldn’t find me ever climbing up the side of it.  

Also, the name that the area Native American’s gave it was Bear Lodge. One of the early white explorers claimed that they called it bad god’s tower. It’s unsure if they had just gotten the wrong translation or they just wanted to call it something else. But from bad god’s tower, the white man came up with Devil’s Tower. 

I’m just glad that I serve the good God – the only God.  

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