Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Been there, Done that – Dakota Vacation blog post #14

If you’ve been to the Black Hills of South Dakota, you’ve surely driven along the Needles Highway. 

 It’s cool, but another one of those once and done deals. How many times have I ridden this windy road? 

The tunnels scare me to death, 

even the one where a Storm Trooper was standing guard.

And way out there, past this tunnel, what is that in the distance.

Oh, but first we stopped at Norbeck Overlook, named for Peter Norbeck. He was a governor and US senator of South Dakota, who lived from 1870 to 1936. He was instrumental in development of Needles Highway, Badlands National Park, Custer State Park, Mount Rushmore, and more.

I guess that gives it away.

Yet another – “been there, done that”. 

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