Friday, August 2, 2024

Not Rough At All – Dakota Vacation blog post #15

One day we finally saw something new in South Dakota. And it was worth the seventy pictures I snapped. I wish we would have stayed there longer than an hour and explored more.

 Roughlock Falls is an absolutely beautiful place along the Little Spearfish Creek, about fifteen miles south of Spearfish.

There is a developed walking trail along the water, but it didn’t feel too developed. There were also a fair number of people, but not so many to be intrusive.

Many gentle rapids and small waterfalls until you get farther downstream where the main falls is – called the Upper Falls. I couldn’t find anywhere just how tall it was, but Hubby and I guessed around thirty or forty feet.

But that wasn’t all. Just a little further downstream, the water veers all over a twenty-foot-wide swath, tumbling down in little rivulets. Like something out of Middle Earth.

With all that beauty, don't forget to still look up. Amazing place. 

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