Sunday, August 18, 2024

Stinky Alley Art – Dakota Vacation blog post #21

“There are those who are pure in their own eyes and yet are not cleansed of their filth. (Proverbs 30:11, New International Version) 

While planning our trip to the Dakotas in June, I ran across a place in Rapid City called Art Alley. 

Artists – or probably anybody with a spray can – can put their mark on the brick walls, wooden stairs, and any other surface along this alley between Main Street and St Joseph Street.

Some of the art looked pretty nice. Other? Not so much. But if people are encouraged to express themselves here, it’s no one’s place to judge.

The thing I noticed, though, was that no amount of spray paint could cover up the stench emanating from all the dumpsters.

Kinda reminded me of people who put on airs, dress nice, and show off their money, but inside, they are not very pretty. I think we all need to clean up our insides and get rid of the sin in our lives before we bother with our appearance.

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