Sunday, August 25, 2024

Take Heart and Start Climbing


“The door to heaven is narrow. Try hard to enter it. Many people will want to enter there, but they will not be able to go in.” (Luke 13:24, Easy-to-Read Version)

This past week, Hubby and I took a drive up to Michigan’s UP for a quick visit. We stopped along Lake Superior at my favorite little roadside park before heading back home.

I climbed up these stairs, fearful that I would fall. I made it and the view was worth it, even though it was the same view that I’ve seen countless times throughout my life.

This time the words “climbing the stairway to heaven” popped into my head. I think a lot of people believe, once you turn your life over to God and accept Jesus as your Savior, that getting to heaven is a piece of cake. Maybe not even as hard as climbing an even staircase, with a secure handrail; maybe you think you’ll ride an escalator to heaven.

More likely, the stairs you need to take to get to heaven look like these. Not only is the door to heaven narrow, but the stairs can be precarious. But start climbing, for Jesus said, “here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

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