Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Earth and Sky – Dakota Vacation blog post #22

 Earth and Sky – an appropriate ending to our trip to the Dakotas in June. Yes, this is the final post. Aren’t you relieved?

At a rest stop off of I-90 outside of Chamberlain, South Dakota, we took in our last tourist attraction of the trip.

This sculpture, named Dignity of Earth and Sky, sits on a bluff overlooking the Missouri River. The 50-foot-high stainless-steel statue shows a woman in native dress holding a star quilt. She honors the culture of the Lakota and Dakota peoples who are indigenous to South Dakota.

Also, at this rest area are displays of various Native American artifacts and items telling the story of the western expansion.  

 There are even some friends for the kids to meet.

All in all, it was a very good trip. I’m so thankful that my wonderful husband agreed to it, that he did most of the driving, and that he made me laugh every day, even when the ride was long and my body was aching. Himey, you are my soul mate, and without you, I don’t know how I’d get through the day. 

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