Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Quickie Post of Alma

Last week, I finished finally telling you about the nine-day trip Hubby and I took to the Dakotas in June. The middle of July, I spent two nights in Alma, Wisconsin, with a friend. And even though I took over three hundred pictures in that short period of time, I am going to keep pictures from that trip to just this one post.        

Main Street, Alma. So many cool, historic buildings. 

Inside our AirBnb

The railroad tracks through town, the Mississippi River Lock on the right. And way over on the left you can see our AirBnb with the red second story and my blue car out front. 
Merrick State Park, where an entire section of the campground had flooded recently. So sad. 
Kinstone Sculpture Park, which I had visited the year before,  

so as much as I would like to share all those pictures again, 

I'll just share these few. Still a fascinating place to me. 

Next Prairie Moon Gardens and 

the only selfie I took of my friend and me. 

View from on the bluffs at Buena Vista Park, overlooking Alma. 

So many beautiful old homes in that little town. 

Just down the road is Pepin 

And next is Stockholm. 

Hope you can read the sentiment someone painted on their house and posted on their railing below. 

    I did pretty good keeping this short, didn’t I? 

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