Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Agape means Love

When my daughter Val was in Kenya in 2010, she stayed with Maggie and Oliver for several weeks. Earlier in her six month stay, Maggie had delivered her third child, a beautiful baby girl who they named Beautiful Anna.
Val hadn’t told Maggie and Oliver that she was returning to Kenya, so she called them out of the blue, said she was in Nairobi and asked if we could come for a visit.

Though Beautiful Anna had just been a baby when Val was there three years ago, the precious child bestowed upon Val the warmest greetings. Her name is certainly fitting.



After we visited with Oliver in their home for a while, he took us down to the orphanage which he and his wife run, Agape Hope Center. Attached to the orphanage is a school, which caters to about half orphans and half kids from homes throughout the community.

The school currently runs through grade 8. This year four boys will graduate from 8th grade. For them to go to high school next year, it will cost 28,000 shillings a piece, which is the average yearly income of many Kenyans. Oliver is hoping to open a high school at the orphanage to serve these kids. It would be cheaper to hire four teachers, and then they could offer high school to other kids and get an income from that. But that all takes money up front.

Looking around the grounds of the orphanage and school, it was obvious that the money would be hard to come back. My heart goes out to those graduating eighth graders and their prospects for next year. 

Click here to learn more about Agape Hope Center. 

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