Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Anybody Still Out There From Ten Years Ago?

Wow, sometimes I look at myself and just say, “Wow”. I wonder what is wrong with me, where my head is, how I even get through the day sometimes.

So, funny thing. I had some stuff going on last night (like always) and was trying to get around to writing my blog. Just as I was sitting down to try to get inspired, – not that I needed inspiration, there were already four different ideas in my head, it was just a matter of picking one and getting on it – I took a quick gander at Facebook. I saw a video posted by the publisher of my first three books, where his washing machine was “walking” across the floor during the spin cycle. How crazy is that because I had just been sitting on my washer during the spin cycle because it is all off balance. I replied to his video saying that and he responded that I could write a blog post about that. So, here I am and that’s all I have to say about that.

Because then I scrolled a bit more on Facebook, and one of those friendship anniversary things came up. Apparently, it is the ten-year anniversary of me being friends with someone I’ve known for much longer than that. Which reminded me what March 1 was and what I really wanted to blog about today.  

And .  . .

 . . . When I actually got into my file where I write my blog, that whole topic hit me in the face. A few days ago, I had been planning on writing about this, so I wrote myself a reminder. Good thing, because I totally forgot until seeing that Friendiversary. Hence the question initially posed – what is wrong with me?

Anyway, Sunday was the ten-year anniversary of this blog!!! Well, not really. I think it was actually February 26, but I wrote something very short and very lame, just to figure out this whole blogging thing and then I later deleted it.  

Is anyone still out there reading this who has been with me since the beginning? Let me know! I love hearing from you.
 I haven't changed too much in nearly sixty years, have I? I surely haven't changed in ten.

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