Friday, April 3, 2020

Just Be Held

   Last night, while trying to write this blog post, I tried thinking of an uplifting, even comical story I could share. Something goofy I may have done as a child or as a fifty-something year old. Something to get my mind, and yours, off of the coronavirus pandemic for a little while.

Nothing much came to me, so I woke up this morning wondering if I should just not post anything today.

Then some song lyrics came into my head. Or more likely, God sent these words into my head:

“Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place.”

I looked up the song by Casting Crowns on-line. I’ve heard it many, many times over the years, but I guess the words never meant what they mean to me this morning.

“Hold it all together, everybody needs you strong. But life hits you out of nowhere, and barely leaves you holding on.”

Listen to the video or read the full lyrics by clicking this link.

I still gotta believe that God has got this taken care of. 

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