Friday, May 14, 2021

The News We've Been Waiting For

  I have so many other things that I want to blog to you about, but then, yesterday, this happened. 

The news we have all been waiting for. The CDC announced that people who have been fully vaccinated could resume their normal activities. Of course, after fourteen months of this, I’m not sure I remember what normal is. I’ve been thinking we are living in the new normal.

But, seriously, the CDC says that if you’ve been fully vaccinated, you can go out in stores and other businesses without wearing your mask, and you don’t have to feel you must social distance from others. Others who have also been fully vaccinated that is. If you haven’t had your two Moderna or Pfizer shots or your single Johnson and Johnson shot, or it’s been less than two weeks since you’ve had them, you still need to wear your mask and social distance.

The thing is no one has been stamped on their forehead with a declaration that they're vaccinated (which is actually a very good thing if you’ve read the book of Revelations). I’m fearful that this announcement has come prematurely, and people will go crazy, and next thing you know, the number of cases will skyrocket again.

And for me, it doesn’t matter a lot, as people working in healthcare are still expected to wear their masks. I get that. And I will continue to wear mine at work, faithfully, for the most part. And I hope our patients are respectful and continue to wear theirs.

Everyone also still needs to wear their masks on any form of public transportation and abide by state and local mandates. Stores and other businesses can still ask us to wear our masks, and we need to comply with that as well. Schools? Well, not that many kids have been vaccinated, so everyone in our schools should still be wearing masks. 

Continuing to move forward, don’t lose your heads. Still, be safe. Go out and hug your friends and relatives, as long as you’ve all been shot up. Don’t get into it with people who choose not to be vaccinated and refuse to wear a mask. Be the bigger person and put your mask back on and keep your distance.

We still have a way to go with this pandemic. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The announcement on the CDC’s website:

The longer CDC version: 

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