Sunday, April 24, 2022

When you have no thoughts

     People sometimes ask where I get my ideas to write my blog posts. On Sundays, I rarely take credit for any of my ramblings. More often than not, God plants the seed in my head. Maybe I kind of have a thought, so I kind of start down a rabbit trail, and before long – ta-da – there’s full-blown inspiration tapping at my keyboard.

Once in a while, though, I got nothing. And God? I’m sure He’s got something to say, something He wants me to write about, but it’s not flowing to the top of the fluffy stuff in my brain.

When that happens, I scroll through random recent pictures I’ve taken and one always jumps out at me, and it has a story to tell.

This is the one that jumped out at me today. Dear little Emma. Who has a very long story to tell. But not today. Today you just get an adorable picture of her.

And on days when we don’t think that God is listening, when He’s not answering our prayers, when we feel we got nothing? Well, you have way more than you think, even if it feels like nothing more than a kitten.

 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9, NIV)

1 comment:

omagoose said...

Love this, Chris. God loves us even when we have nothing and He sure wants us to enjoy His gifts. A kitten is a pretty good gift for today! Just enjoy.Maybe a story later.