Friday, April 17, 2020

Randemic Thoughts - Part II

   As I sat down to write this in my home office, I noticed once again that I hadn't changed my wall calendar to April. No wonder I am off on everything.

Oh, now I know why I didn’t flip the page. I should be somewhere in northern Illinois right about now, driving to Tennessee for a week’s vacation. Hmm? Besides the pandemic and Hubby’s broken arm, the weather has been less than stellar this month, but it is April, I guess, so as already mentioned in Wednesday’s blog post, anything goes. Maybe I shouldn’t plan any more April vacations.
So what other random thoughts have I got to share, especially about the pandemic?
  • One thing about vacations is that I never wear makeup when I’m on vacation, which begs the following question for my female readers: Are ya’ll still bothering to wear makeup? Coz that first day that I wore a mask at work, and I took it off, I was like, yikes, this isn’t happening again. My face is half-covered all day anyway, so what - should I just wear makeup on the top half of my face? I don’t think so. Not bothering with that nonsense anymore until this is over. (Or maybe I just need help with my makeup . . .)

  • Also, not bothering with my hair. Ok, stop laughing. Any of you who know me, know that I have never bothered doing anything with my hair. But now, with that mask on and off all day, because, like, I have to eat, my hair is even worse than usual.
  • Which brings up my next thought. Everyone’s making this big deal about not being able to go to the salon until who knows when. Here’s Chris’s advice for you. Free of charge.
    •  Hair getting too long? That’s why we all have a pair of only somewhat dull scissors in the junk drawer. It’s gonna be ok. Stop looking at pictures of Jim Carey. You can do better than that. Just jump in and start trimming. I guess you can always add a stocking cap to go with your mask and really look like a bank-robber.  
    • Grey roots coming out? There’s a box for that down at Walmart. Otherwise, be proud of who you are and where you’ve been. Hiding your grey (or mousy brown or dish-water blonde or whatever pops out) is like hiding your soul.
    • Your fingernails? I don’t even care about your fingernails. Leave them alone. It was never a good idea to put on whatever that crap is you put on your nails. Leave them alone and eat some Jello.
    • How then can any woman possibly feel good about herself? All that money you’ve been wasting on your looks all these years? Give it to charity. Give it to a young mother who would never think to spend money on herself and help her buy her kids some new clothes or a hot meal. Or give it to a homeless vet.
  • Speaking of spending money. If you have a regular church home, don’t forget to still send them your weekly or monthly contributions. With churches not holding regular services, I can only imagine how their income has plummeted. Services or not, they still have bills to pay too.
  • Looking back at Hubby's picture above, though, I'm reminded about the gloves. If you feel compelled to wear gloves because you think it will cut down on your virus exposure, you still have to take them off and wash your hands after you touch anything. Those gloves can pick up bugs just like your hands can. 
I guess that’s it for now. Sorry if I came across a bit harsh today. I know that my priorities are different than a lot of peoples. That doesn’t mean we still can’t get along, right?

1 comment:

Carol Stam Rehse said...

Chris, you have a knack for putting into words what is swirling around in my brain!