Sunday, July 25, 2021

Are You Stuck?

    Christ is the one who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do. (Philippians 4:13, Easy-to-Read Version) 

When I sit down to write my Sunday morning inspirational post (which I usually write on Saturday night), something always comes to me. Or, actually, God puts something before me, either in the form of something which happened over the past week or something He plops into my head or my heart.

Occasionally, as in today, I got nothing. Or I have a few thoughts which feel lame and don’t come together for me. I have a list of Bible verses to turn to when that happens, but sometimes, even none of those jump out at me.

Last resort. I did a Google search of “Bible verses for when you’re stuck”. Isn’t it great to be able to get an answer to any question?

Oops, stop right there, Chris, the answers to your questions aren’t found on the internet. Well, they sort of are. But the reality is that even if the answers are there it’s only because they were in the Bible first and someone put them on the world wide web. Which is where the verse above came from.

Good words, but what can I say about them? So, my final last resort is to pull out my actual Bible on paper, randomly open it and point to a verse.

    The Teacher tried very hard to find the right words, and he wrote the teachings that are true and dependable. (Ecclesiastes 12:10, Easy-to-Read Version)

Hmmm? Well, there you have it. God is good. 

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