Sunday, October 24, 2021

Where are we headed?

   As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Matthew 24:37-39, New International Version

   For a very long time, I’ve wanted to write about our current state of affairs here in the USA. The chaos caused by COVID-19 has affected our lives, from how we do business and attend school and work, to how we stockpile toilet paper and raise a ruckus about our rights. It sure feels like Satan has his hand in all of this, turning a bad situation into an impossible one.

But that’s not all. As I mentioned in my September 12 blog, there are race riots, police violence, anger, hatred, and impatience.

Last night, I watched an episode of Pastor David Jeremiah’s TV show, Turning Point, which had originally been broadcast just over a month. He gave a list of some of the other things going on in our country.

  • The destruction of our national monuments, which means the destruction of history, which means we will no longer remember our past.
  • The concept of cancel culture, where there is no room for debate, it’s “my way or no way”.
  • The tearing down of our family unit, where parents no longer have any say in their children’s education; our children in public schools are being taught things they shouldn’t be. What third grader needs to learn about homosexuality or any kind of sexuality at all?
  • Defunding of our local police. Once we take away our local police, the national government will take care of law enforcement. What does Washington know about crime in your small, rural village?

All of these tenets point our country closer and closer to a socialist system of government.

An additional bullet point on David Jeremiah’s list was the redistribution of wealth. This is the one I remember from high school civics class.

What makes socialism sound so appealing on the surface is that it is based on the theory that everyone shares everything, owns everything, and controls everything. Education is free; health care is free; day care is free. You name it – everything is free. Sounds utopian – and total nonsense.

What ends up happening is that government turns around and says, “it’s obvious that everyone can’t take of everything, so we – the government representing the people – will take over everything for you.”

Which means we the people own nothing, run nothing, have nothing. The chasm between the classes grows huge, and we become a country controlled by the few “haves”. And the vast majority of the population are the “have nots”, living far below the poverty level.

So, for all you young people out there who have not studied history, who have not learned about what happens to countries who spiral into total socialism, who think it is possible to get everything for free – please wake up, search for the facts instead of believing what the media is telling you, get a work ethic, read your Bibles (buy one first before you are not able to!), go to church, turn your life over to Jesus. It looks like we are getting closer and closer to the second coming of Christ. I don’t want any of you to be left behind.

I wasn’t able to post the sermon by David Jeremiah, which I referred to here, so please click on this link:

And lastly, I have to give God total and complete credit for the picture at the top of this post. I had no clue what photo I wanted to use today. So, with a totally blank mind, I opened the most recent file of pictures I’d taken, and this was one of the first ones to pop up. Hubby and I were at our state’s capital just last weekend, and even though I had been there many times before, I snapped another half dozen pictures. You know why? Because God is good, all the time.

A few other articles on socialism:




  But you can do your own internet search for more. 

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