Sunday, January 9, 2022

Faith, part 2

Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. (Hebrews 11:1, New Century Version)

Last Sunday, I introduced my word of the year – the word which will lead my spiritual walk this year, the word which I hope will bring me closer to God, the word I can turn to when things get rough.

When I shared that word with you last Sunday, I also posed some questions. The main one being – why pick such an obvious word? Well, because it’s important. It’s often all we have. And because sometimes I need – we all need – something so obvious.

Let’s spend some time looking at what the Bible says about faith.  

It is by faith we understand that the whole world was made by God’s command so what we see was made by something that cannot be seen. (Hebrews 11:3, New Century Version)

You basically have to believe that the world and everything in it was created by God. Or you believe in some big bang theory, some scientific postulation as to how the world was formed. As far-fetched as the creationist theory may sound, I think that the evolution theory seems just as crazy. What caused some gaseous matter to randomly start shaping into a planet and how did a bunch of molecules grow into a life form and why would sea creations crawl out of the water and suddenly start breathing air and then shed their scales for skin and grow legs and arms and hair.

I don’t know. I guess you just have to have faith in one theory or another, I just have faith that God made us; I believe in that which I cannot see. 

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