Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Baraboo, Dells post #5

   I apologize for not writing in the proper order about my trip last October to a condo in Wisconsin Dells. I just think some things are more important.

So, to retrace. Friday, October 15, Hubby and I drove down to a condo at Christmas Mountain Village just west of the Dells. You already heard about our escapades on Saturday.

Sunday morning, Hubby had to head home, so I had most of the day to myself. It was sunny and warm (warm for Autumn, anyway, around 65 degrees). My initial plan was to hike some trails at Devil’s Lake State Park, but as you can imagine, with the amazing weather and being a weekend, the park was packed.

I drove up to Baraboo and spent most of the afternoon wandering the streets of the town. It is a quaint little place. 

Riverwalk along the Baraboo River
One of the many barns at Circus World Museum, which was closed for the season. 

I'm not going to bore you with pictures of all the barns, because, yes, I took a picture of each one.

Does not look like a comfortable place for the seal lion to travel in. Plus, it's not a seal lion - it's either a seal or a sea lion. 
Evidence of the circus is everywhere in town. 
The Al Ringling Theatre. 
The Ringling Mansion. 
Adjacent to the Al Ringling Brewing Company. 

The Baraboo Civic Center
And several churches 
Coz you know how much I love church buildings 
Or any old building. 
The historic Sauk County Courthouse. 
The obligatory courthouse statue. Sorry that I didn't get the name on it. 

And the commemoratory cannon.  Glad someone could read what the sign under it said. 

For more information: 

Sauk County Courthouse -

Baraboo history -

Baraboo Civic Center -

Circus World Museum -

Al Ringling Theatre -

Al Ringling Museum -

Al Ringling Brewing Company - 

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