Sunday, April 23, 2023

Are you done with winter and everything else?

     I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, New Living Translation)

How did your week go? Or how about the month of April? Or all of 2023? Is anyone else completely done with winter? It does seem to be one thing after another.

If you follow me online or in person, you may remember that my back has been giving me a lot of trouble. The pain will be just about gone, and then the next day, I feel like I am back to square one with it – it is a trial which is starting to cause me some sorrow. I have other things to do besides baby this bum back.

And it’s not just me. I’m surrounded by family and friends who are struggling in even worse ways. My heart goes out to them, and I pray their burdens lessen.

But the Bible tells us that life wasn’t meant to be easy. And just because we believe in God doesn’t mean that we will cruise through unscathed. What I can never figure out is how someone who is not a believer can even get out of bed in the morning, thinking that there is nothing more than this life.

Take heart! Believe! Jesus Christ came into this world – into your life, if you’ll have Him – so that you can overcome all the troubles you face. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Then even on the worst days, you will know that you have a true Friend and Ally, One who was willing to go to the cross for you. 

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