Sunday, June 9, 2024

No Challenge Too Great

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)

I was doing something this past week which wouldn’t have been a big deal sixteen months ago. But as you know, since April 1 of last year, I have been defeated and broken in more ways than one.

But there I was that day last week, wondering if I was up to the physical challenge that I put in front of me, when the above verse came into my head. I knew this verse, I’d heard it many times and in many places. So where was it over the past sixteen months? I don’t know. But suddenly there it was and there I was meeting what should have been a minor task, had I been as physically fit as I had been in the past.

God is good and it is only through the strength of Jesus Christ that I have made it this far.

More next week about this teeny challenge. For today, I look at that picture above, and think, was that really me? Talk about a challenge, climbing and hiking miles through Hell’s Gate in Kenya, seven years ago. I couldn’t do that now. Or could I?  


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