Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Challenge

I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me. (Philippians 4:13, Good News Translation)

I shared the same verse last Sunday, but today, I thought I’d explain why it popped up on my radar last week.

We were on vacation in the Dakotas for several days (I never post when I am gone coz it feels like announcing to the world, “Come rob me; I’m not home"). On our second day on the road, we drove through the southern loop of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. There were many places to pull over to take in the scenic views and even a few trails going off into the wilderness.

At one such pull-off, a short trail led up to a bluff. Sixteen months ago, I would have charged up it without giving it a thought. But for the last nearly year and a half, I have walked gingerly wherever I went and even resorted to using a cane when I was not sure of myself.

It really wasn’t that much of a slope, and the trail wasn’t even that narrow. But I still hesitated.

“Is this a smart move for me to take? There’s nothing to grab onto if I lose my balance or get a sharp pain in my back. I wouldn’t have the strength to help myself. I’m all alone out here.”

But there was the voice in my head—the other voice, the one that only encourages me: “Jesus will walk beside you up that hill and give you the strength and confidence you need.”

When I got back to the car, feeling triumphant, I asked Hubby if he wondered what had happened to me. I didn’t think he could see me, but he assured me he had watched my every move.

Just like Jesus watched my every move, too.

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