Wednesday, June 19, 2024

what happens when you cram too much into 16 days

 Today I was going to start posting pictures and stories from our vacation to the Dakotas last week, but then I wrote a blurb on Facebook about how stressful the last two weeks have been. Many people took that as my life completely falling apart. In reality, it was just overbooked. Here is what a spreadsheet might look like:

           Monday, June 3, 9:00 – low stress – phone preop visit for Hubby’s knee replacement on June 17. Oh, except that they didn’t call until around 10:30 for this phone appointment

          Monday, June 3, 4:00 – low stress – Hubby’s physical therapy appt so he knows what to expect following surgery

          Tuesday, June 4, 9:30 – low stress – Hubby’s radiology appt for a CT of his leg prior to surgery

          Tuesday, June 4, 12:30 – slightly more stress – Hubby took the car to the dealer for an oil change and tire rotation, and of course they found other things to replace and it took longer than expected

          Tuesday, June 4, 4:00 – low stress – Hubby had to be back in town for his preop appt with his primary care provider

          Tuesday, June 4, all day – higher stress, because I make everything more stressful than need be – I cleaned house all day, washed clothes, and packed

          Wednesday, June 5, 7:00 am – medium stress – We wanted to leave for our drive to North Dakota, but were half an hour late getting going due to some family drama, but where would we be without family

          Wednesday, June 5 through Thursday, June 13 – up and down stress – sometimes I wonder why anyone even takes vacations. Sure, you have a good time in the long run, but there’s the packing and traveling and getting lost, running into sketchy weather and road construction, unpacking, etc. Overall, though, yes, we had a very good time, and I will share all about that in the coming weeks.

          Friday, June 14, 11:00 – low stress – final call to Hubby’s surgeon to get a time for Monday’s surgery. The rest of the day mostly spent washing clothes.

          Saturday, June 15 – low stress – more washing clothes and some house cleaning, while Hubby visited a friend and his aunt

          Sunday, June 16 – should have been no stress, but what would I do with no stress – I surprised Hubby by inviting the kids over for dinner for Fathers Day, but there was still stuff to do to get ready for his surgery

          Monday, June 17 – massive stress – You know the saying: any surgery can be routine, unless you’re the one being operated on, then it’s a major surgery. Right?

          So Hubby got his knee replaced and it all sounded like it would be simple and everything did turn out all right, but it still turned out to be one of the longest days of my life

          Tuesday, June 18 – more stress – Let’s just say it was another one of the longest days of my life. No matter what they tell you, knee replacement surgery is not for sissies and the patient’s spouse better not be a sissy either. And I wouldn’t recommend going on a nine-day vacation just before surgery.

But we are moving on and each day things will go smoother. And now you just can’t wait to hear about that trip, right? I’m anxious to relive it myself.

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