Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Holy Tuesday: Who would you die for?

Peter said, "Master, I'm ready for anything with you. I'd go to jail for you. I'd die for you!" Luke 22:33, The Message Bible

Jesus has warned His disciples that they are about to be tested. He singles out Peter, telling him that He has been especially praying for him. Peter is as passionate as ever, swearing that he would never betray his Master.

His words remind me of the song “Everything I do I do it for you” by Bryan Adams from the movie Robin Hood. “I would fight for you, I'd lie for you, walk the wire for you, I'd die for you”.

Who would you die for? Who would you give up everything for? Would you?

Peter swore that he would and yet within hours he denied that he knew Jesus. Not just once, not twice, but three times. He had three chances to be arrested as a believer in Jesus Christ, three chances to give his life for his Lord and he blew it. Would you? 

This is the prison at Ayacucho, Peru. 
 We went inside, only after we had been stamped and frisked and had turned in our passports. In all my travels I had never been so afraid. 
I lived down that fear so that I could take this little boy, Wilmar, out of the prison where he lived with his mother, so he could spend a few hours acting like a regular kid. I also knew that I would get my passport back when I brought him back. Would I have been willing to step into that prison without that promise? Absolutely not. 

1 comment:

TC Avey said...

Convicting post.
So often we want reassurances before we're willing to ACT. But God's love should be all the reassurance need.