This would be crunch-time for
me on the Ultimate Blog Challenge. I work until seven tonight and I have Bible
study at seven Tuesday morning. Very little extra gets done in my world in that
time period. I was going to write some extra blogs on Sunday, but already did
one here and on my other blog. But I am going to plow through and still somehow
post something witty every single day this month!
In addition to everything
else on Sunday, I wrote the following poem for my local writers group Facebook
page. We have been having trouble getting together in person, so try to share
stuff at least on Facebook. I posted the challenge to write a piece which
included the line, “And that’s when the Christmas tree went out the door.”
The dog’s
name was Bingo just like the song
But he did
not know right from wrong
He got in
the garbage, the cupboards, the wash
And chewed
up so many things – oh gosh
No matter
how many scoldings or swats
He kept
getting into things, and I mean a lot
Then he
would gaze up with his little dark eyes
A tilt of
his head which made him look wise
He would
whimper a moment and raise a paw
And just for
that second I would forget all his flaws
As Christmas
approached, I thought I had had it
With all of
his messes, that four-legged sh - -
I couldn’t
imagine him not dragging away
Each present
and package I had wrapped through the day
But I was
determined to keep Christmas good
The dog
would go first, yes he would
He seemed to
relinquish his mischievous spree
As if
finally he realized what it meant to me
The house
was all ready, the lights all aglow
Even the
nativity which was more than for show
With the
Baby Jesus in his bed fast asleep
Under the
tree, Mary and Joseph to keep
In the
middle of the night Bingo jumped in my bed
An innocent
mixed breed who might have been dead
Had I not
saved him at the shelter that day
Picking him
from all of the strays
When I went
in the next room early next morn
I screamed
like a banshee when I looked at the floor
present, each Santa, each snowflake, each ball
Had been
dragged from the tree and that’s not all
Baby Jesus
had become a scary sad sight
Having been
torn in four pieces overnight
I looked at
the dog and started to roar
No more of
you, dog, you are out that door
As I pointed
one finger and shook another at him
He lowered
his body and started to shim
Flat on the
floor he slinked over to me
Put one paw
on my toe, looked at the tree
I decided
right then something must give
This kind of
a mess is no way to live
So I picked
up my mutt as I scanned the floor
And that’s
when the Christmas tree went out the door
My wish for
next year is not for a tree
But to still
have my Bingo spend Christmas with me.
My dad's dog Mac under our Christmas tree in 1981. The broken leg is a story for another time. |
You perhaps think that this
poem was inspired by Dino, the Wonder Dog. Actually, there was only one line
which referred to an incident he was involved in, but I took it out as there
was a 300 word limit on this challenge, and I was already over by 100 words!
Dino’s indiscretion involved chewing up my underwear, only the dirty ones of
course. Arrgh. The disgusting little mutt! But that was when he was still a
puppy. He is all grown up now. All he chews up now are used Kleenex’s! He’s
matured so much.
Watch for tomorrow’s post
where I will tell you about the antics of the other two dogs I thought of when I
wrote this. (Yes, one of them is Mac.)