Sunday, May 1, 2022

Will We Live or Die

      For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. (Romans 14:8, New King James Version)

Like most of you, I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. We are still dealing with COIVD19 and all the uncertainty which is still hanging around the pandemic. We all want to get out and travel or be around others or just plan get back to normal. And every time we do, we hear on the news that there has been another spike in cases, or there’s another variant, or a friend is sick in bed with the virus.

Then there is the war in Ukraine. How that tiny nation is hanging on and defending itself against the giant Russia is only something God can know. But how long will this drag on, and how long before other countries get involved, actually start fighting side by side with the Ukrainians.   

And with all that going on, the world economy is rocky at best. How long before people who thought they were financially secure face homelessness and starvation. How long before the crime rate grows even faster as people become desperate.

Christians should be turning to God and opening their Bibles for the answers. When there is nothing left, there is always faith.

But what about the nonbelievers. Who argue that if there was a God in heaven, no one would have to suffer. Who have little value for human life, who would put themselves first above others.

Or what about those who think that living life is all there is and you just die when you die. Or you go someplace else or become reincarnated. My heart cries for those people. I pray they find the Lord. I pray that, if it be His will, God gives me the strength and the words to try to reach those people before it is too late.

But no matter what happens, me and my house will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). I need not fear, as God is with me, He will strengthen me and help me and hold me with His right hand (Isaiah 41:10). I will be strong and courageous; I will not be afraid or discouraged, because my Lord and God is with me wherever I go (Joshua 1:9). 

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