Sunday, January 15, 2023


    But he was wounded for the wrong we did; he was crushed for the evil we did. The punishment, which made us well, was given to him, and we are healed because of his wounds. (Isaiah 53:5, New Century Version)

Every January, Hubby shreds a box full of our old financial statements. There probably is nothing in any of those papers which would compromise our finances, but sometimes I am still paranoid about that kind of stuff. I need to ask myself why there is still so much paper in this day and age of electronic records. But that's not today's story. 

I have all these papers, but I need more than to discard them in the trash or recycling. I'm compelled to shred them. 

Just like we should shred our sins. 

Which got me thinking. (And I hope I'm too graphic.) Maybe it wasn't enough for Jesus to die on that cross to take away our sins. Perhaps when the Roman soldiers were whipping Him and tearing His flesh, our sins were also being ripped and torn. 

Think about all the sins you commit every day. Ask for God's forgiveness, then rip those sins out of your life and start fresh. 

Lord, God, thank You for sending Your Son to suffer at the hands of the Romans and die on that cross so that we could be cleansed from our suffering. Amen. 

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