Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Famous Ark – Spring Vacation Blog Post #5

Goodness how is it possible that five weeks ago we were in Kentucky on Spring Break, and it still doesn’t feel much like Spring here in the Northwoods.

Oh, well, I guess that means it’s okay that I am still sharing that trip.

On a day much like day, we arrived at the Ark Encounter with partly sunny skies up above and temps in the mid-forties.

Everyone I’ve talked to who has been there reports that the size of it is daunting, hard to believe that it was constructed by one man and his three sons so very long ago. It didn’t seem that massive to me, but then I guess I was only thinking that it was built in this century by a large team of engineers, contractors, and modern-day craftsmen. It took me a bit to put my head in the right time and place.

Inside, there were depictions of nearly every aspect of life on the Ark for Noah, his family, and the animals. From feeding systems to food and water storage.


From many of the various animals which were housed in the Ark. Including these interesting containment units for snakes.

Up to animals we have around today or who were somewhat different at that time.

But I don’t really believe that some sorts of animals were around at the time. There were long explanations trying to prove that dinosaurs were alive when the Ark set sail and that Noah welcomed them aboard. I don’t buy that.

There were also examples of what the living quarters for Noah, his wife, their three sons and their son’s wives might have looked like.

This might be how people lived on Earth at the time, but I’m not sure that Noah’s family would have taken the time to build things quite so nice.

But then again, those eight people were chosen by God to survive the flood, so maybe God saw to it that they were comfortable.

In any case, it was a huge boat, both inside and out, and accommodated the people and animals needed to repopulate the Earth. 
And there is no doubt in my mind, that the Ark did save humanity from the destruction of our sins. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The first time I visited the Ark Encounter, I viewed it from atop a rolling hill of Kentucky and I imagined what it must have been like for Noah's neighbor's to see him building a massive vessel when not a single source of water was in sight. Yes, massive, unless you had to live on it for 40 days and 40 nights while it rained and then even longer while the flood waters receded. As they said at the Ark, they took liberties with some things such as the housing for Noah and his family so maybe it was not so nice, but I like to think God loved Noah and wanted him to be as comfortable as possible. Other things they did not take liberties with, for example what animals were on the Ark. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He created animals and plants and gave man dominion over them so why wouldn't dinosaurs be on the Ark? The Bible doesn't say God created dinosaurs and placed them on the earth and saw that was a mistake so he killed them off and started over. When in doubt, it is always best to seek answers in God's Word. I have visited the Ark Encounter several times and I am always in awe of seeing God's Word come to life and in seeing the number of people who come seeking truth and leave knowing our God is indeed an awesome God.