Sunday, April 21, 2013

A time for anything else?

Two weeks from today I will be flying off to Kenya. It doesn’t seem possible that the time has gone that fast and that in just four weeks I will be home again.

I think that it is “crunch time”, time to stop fooling around and start getting ready for this trip. I think it is time to focus. I think it is time to stop worrying about what I will blog about three times a week. I think I should spend some time with my mom and my hubby. I think I should get more sleep.

Maybe there is a reason why in Ecclesiastes 3 there is no verse that reads, “there is a time to sleep and a time to stay up all hours of the night trying to get things done because you have too much on your plate.”

I have listed on my otherblog all the specific things I have to get done by June. I have crossed a lot of it off already. All I can do is what I have time for and the rest will have to fall by the way.

Lord, Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us 24 hours each and every day. Help us to see that You have given us that amount of time because that is how much time we need each day. Let us just erase the rest of the stuff off of our to-do list. Amen.


Denise said...

You will get what you need to done & the rest will wait until you are back.

Chris Loehmer Kincaid said...

Thanks, Denise, that is exactly my plan.