Sunday, August 4, 2013

God give me the words.

“When you are put into their hands, do not worry what you will say or how you will say it. The words will be given you when the time comes.” Matthew 10:19 New Life Version  

Yesterday, I attended the second annual Country Memories Farm Writers Conference. After attending last year’s conference and getting my book published, I emailed Becky McLafferty, who hosts the conference, and asked if she was looking for speakers for this year. I told her that I would love to share the journey I traveled while writing my memoir and getting it published. That silly girl. She took me up on the offer.

There I was at 1:05 Saturday afternoon, having eaten too much for lunch, standing at the front of the classroom with nine sets up puppy-dog eyes watching me, waiting for me to spew out vast amounts of knowledge. I wasn’t nervous. Honest I wasn’t. I just started talking and sharing and answering questions. And they acted like they thought I knew what I was doing!

Of all the fears in the world, getting up and talking in front of an audience is high on the list. One website I found ranked it as number 2, another website had it as number 1.

I don’t know why, but getting up in front of a group of people has never bothered me. Maybe it’s the clown in me. Maybe some deep-seeded need to be the center of attention. Whatever the case, it was still much easier for me to speak in front of those conference participates than it would be to speak to those Jesus is referring to in the scripture above.

He is talking about a time when we will be persecuted, when we are led in front of our accusers and asked to give a testimony of our actions. Will we be able to stand before those who would flog us, beat us, crucify us, and testify that we know Jesus as our Savior? Those would definitely have to be words given to me directly from God.

Lord, God, Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Son. Be with us in our time of need, strengthen us when we are persecuted. And grant us Your peace. Amen

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