Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Walking the Streets of Hatchet Creek - Day 7

I am cheating here a little bit.  Last week, when I visited the historicalmuseum in my town and then blogged about it – well, I did walk a few streets that day as well. 
 Tomahawk’s first church is the First Congregational Church built in 1887 on the corner of Washington Avenue and 5th Street.

 When the old clinic and hospital moved to its new location on Mohawk Drive, both those buildings went up for sale. Anyone who has been following any Tomahawk news knows the fate of the old hospital. The clinic luckily went to better use. It was extensively renovated to become the new St. Mary’s School.

 Neat fountain outside of the school.  (Oh, and by the way, there hasn’t been much activity on the outside of the old hospital, but I will post pictures as soon as something starts happening that I can see from the street.)
 Location of the old St. Mary’s School.

 St. Mary’s Catholic Church.
And just a block over, the Harley Davidson Plant on Somo Avenue. Quite a bit to see within just a few blocks.
What I've walked previously in green, what I walked this time in blue. I still have a lot to go, and this is just the main part of town. I need to cover the "suburbs" too!

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