Sunday, August 9, 2020

Down By The Lake

 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake.
Matthew 13:1 (New International Version)

The above verse goes on to tell about the crowds surrounding Jesus, and how he got in a boat, from which he began telling parables. I like the picture painted in this short verse, though. I imagine Jesus sitting by the shore, watching the gently rolling waves, waiting as people gathered, walking many miles from their homes.

I’ve written here before, I’m sure, how much I love being on the shore of a lake, feeling the power in the water, drawing peace and strength from those waves. I know that I really can only acquire peace and strength from my Savior, Jesus Christ, but I see him in the water and in the blue sky above it. I can sense him in the leaves and pine needles of the trees outside as well. And even in the green beans and slowly ripening tomatoes in my garden. And I hear him in the laughter of small children and feel him in the warm, weathered hands of the elderly.

Yes, Jesus is my rock, and that rock, in my head, is on the shore of a quiet lake as well as in everything else around me.

Thank You, Lord, for being with me everywhere. Amen.

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