Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Welcome to the World, Little Babies

Ah, the first day of summer.

Eighteen months ago, a power surge blew out our garage door openers, and we ended up leaving the overhead doors open the rest of that winter. By the time spring came, and we were ready to take the old openers down and put up the new ones, a mother robin had built a nest on top of one of them. I thought I wrote an entire blog about it, but this is the only one I found.

Last fall, after she had a second batch of babies, and the mother and all her offspring had flown the nest, we took it down along with the old opener and installed the new one.

Then this May, with the garage door opener going up and down twice a day to let my car in and out, that silly bird built another nest in the same spot. I made Hubby take it down right away so we could have the garage back, but Momma came back and continued building.

Every time I went in the garage and saw her sitting on her nest, her face as serious as could be, I would say hi to her and tell her she was doing a good job. With my back still bothering me, I wasn’t able to climb a ladder for a better look, but Hubby assured me she had eggs.

Then maybe a week ago, he said he saw a chick in the nest and the next day he saw two more.

Today, I finally managed to get out and greet the new arrivals. Aren’t all babies adorable?

Now, we’ll see how long before Momma lays a new batch. Could be a long summer. But that’s better than a long winter. 


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