Thursday, November 5, 2020

And Two More Waterfalls, Kind of – blog post #4 from the family vacation

I promise this is the last post about our second day of the family vacation in northern Wisconsin this fall. We just covered so much ground that day that it was hard to cram it in to one post.

It was getting late in the day, but we were determined to make just three more stops.

The first one wasn’t an actual waterfalls, but instead was called a dells. I picture Wisconsin Dells, or a much smaller place called the Eau Claire Dells which is just east of Wausau, Wisconsin and quite scenic. But this dells, the Tyler Fork Dells, was scenic in its own way.

Flowing water will never stop being fascinating to me.

Then there is whatever this thing called the Ice Spike Lady is.

I wish the entire sign had maintained its integrity. I haven’t had a chance to research it on-line.

Next we stopped at Upson Lake.

We had seen it from atop Corrigan’s Outlook and had to see it up close. The color was amazing.

Last for the day was Upson Falls.

A beautiful ending to a beautiful day. Hard to believe that was just over a month ago. 


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