Wednesday, September 7, 2022

In Between

 Our kids have all gone back to school, and my husband is driving the school bus again. The nights are cooler, and even when it’s a warm sunny day, there is still the feeling of fall in the air. Most trees are still showing off their brilliant green colors, but a few have surrendered a handful of yellow or orange leaves. The flowers in my yard have morphed into spindly, colorless vines.

Labor Day has marched past – the last summer holiday. The calendar won’t declare autumn for two more weeks, but we know in our hearts where we are in the yearly cycle. Yet, I hope we are still in between.

I hope there are still more warm days than cool ones, more nights when we can sleep with the windows open without the furnace kicking on. I hope for an Indian summer before all the leaves have fallen. I hope we get those leaves raked up before snow falls.

I still have several journeys from this past summer to share with you, hundreds of pictures, if you are up to it. But I thought I should take a break today. A short post to reflect on where we were and where we’re going. And everything in between.

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