Sunday, November 18, 2012


But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” Luke 10:40 New International Version

Friday morning, I brought the laptop upstairs from my basement office. I was tired of the lousy internet connection and thought maybe it was because the office is at the furthest point in the house from where the internet connects with the desktop computer in the living room. Actually, my wireless connection has been much better, so maybe that was the problem.

Here is the new problem. There are way more distractions in my living room than in the basement. I thought I had attention deficit before. You would not believe all the things there are to do in my living room that I can’t do in the basement. I even have a view out the window up here. Not to mention that the pets seem to prefer this big comfy chair I’m sitting in to my old creaky desk chair. The refrigerator is a lot closer too.

In the story of Martha and Mary, I am certainly Martha. I wouldn’t say she was distracted; she was uber-focused on the fact that there were all these preparations she had to . But in Jesus’ eyes, her attention was on all the wrong things. Wow, that is me sometimes.  

Lord, help me to focus on what is important. Help me to turn my attention to You and Your saving grace. Amen
And God, thank you so much for this distraction. I know that you sent Dino the wonder dog straight from heaven. 


Susan Marlene said...

Dino, Dino, Dino!! He is adorable and I fell I know him from what you've written and told me about him!! My sister mentioned when the computer munchies attack to grab some crunchy vegies and put them in a cool dish by your puter. The crunchyness is supposed to help! I love this post. You look so very organized!!

Chris Loehmer Kincaid said...

Thanks, Sue, but I still feel an awful lot like Martha, running around making all these preparations and wondering, "will I ever get everything done!"