Saturday, September 16, 2017

When Life is Good

Since I didn’t post yesterday (I’ve been shooting for blogging on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday), I thought I would offer you a blog today and then skip tomorrow. As you can imagine, posting here three times a week is quite a commitment, and as much as I enjoy writing these posts and rarely run out of things to say, it still does cut into my day.

Over the last two months, I’ve been sharing here mostly anything I come up with in regards to my latest book, “Where the Sky Meets the Sand”. And I suppose that’s what I should be doing, but you might be getting sick of hearing about it. And I know it is stressing me out. Time to step away from the pressure.

Which is why the first picture I came across on my camera that I knew would be perfect is the Weiner Mobile. It was in my town a couple weeks ago. I snatched a picture as I was driving by on my way back to work. 
Anyway, other than promoting the book, I’ve been writing away on my second novel, working on stuff for the nonprofit, slaving away at the clinic a little under forty hours a week, and trying desperately to soak up the warm weather we have had the last week. Winter is barreling towards us, and I need to stock up on my vitamin D before that.

Oh, yes, and my other main activity has been passing that kidney stone. It has felt like it is just hanging out in my right kidney, playing a little kickball once in a while, in case I forgot it was there, but in general not misbehaving too much.

I saw a provider in urology today, who took an x-ray of my bladder and kidneys. She told me that both kidneys have lots of little stones, all of which should pass without incident, and that the large bugger which had been causing the pain has moved into my bladder. And that it should be able to pass on out my urinary track from there.

Yeah! Coz I’ve been planning in my head when I could go in and have it zapped or snagged or eradicated in whatever why the urologist thought would be the best. I am totally okay with all the fretting having been for nothing.

The only thing left to do is to try to catch the bugger when I pee it out. Then work on this never happening again.

Other than that, life is good. Hope it’s going good for you too. 

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